L’Œil Silencieux remporte le Méliès d’or à Lund !

L’ŒIL SILENCIEUX de Karim Ouelhaj avec Wim Willaert remporte le MÉLIÈS D’OR de L’European Fantastic Film Festivals Federation (EFFFF) au Lund International Fantastic Film Festival !!

A surreal and captivating film that skillfully paints a picture of isolation within modern society. It’s a tale of progressing decay and madness placed within an excellent and convincing mise-en-scène that manages to pull the spectator into its world.” (jury comments)

The all-Swedish Méliès jury was composed of Charlotte Wiberg, a PhD candidate in film studies; Tommy Gustafsson, professor of film studies at Linnaeus University; and Johan Simonsson, film commissioner at FilmCentrum Syd in Malmö.


The Méliès d’or ceremony took place on 29 October in Lund (Sweden), and was hosted by the Lund Fantastic Film Festival. It marked the culmination of a unique cycle of ongoing competitions held by 16 members of the Melies.org – European Fantastic Film Festivals Federation in 12 European countries, during 2015/16. The winning films (see below) were awarded a Méliès d’argent and a nomination for the 20th Méliès d’or competition.

Founded in 1987, the EFFFF has become the worlds largest festival network with 23 film festivals from 15 countries and a global attendance of more than 470 000 visitors, making it a vital player in the promotion of European genre cinema, both in Europe and abroad. The goal of the EFFFF is to promote European fantastic film productions by enhancing their visibility and standing with both the public and industry. The Méliès competition was launched in 1996 to help achieve these goals and has been one of the principal activities of the Federation since that date.